*pareri cu coloana sonora si ganduri spuse cu voce tare... sau scrise

marți, 4 august 2009

Jocelyn Elders

... nu prea exista corespondent in Romania pentru 'Surgeon General of the USA' dar daca ar exista ar fi un fel de prim ministru. Ce este la ea mai special, este, ca e negresa si a fost prima persoana de culoare care a ocupat aceasta pozitie... si cred ca ultima?!,, dar nu la asta vreau sa fac referire. Nu a stat in functie prea mult dar destul cat sa faca verva si nu una fara rost.
Mai jos sunt niste replici:

"Condoms will break, but I can sure you that vows of abstinence will break more easily than condoms."

"People tell me girls want to have babies so they can get a welfare check -- have you ever known anybody to get rich on a welfare check?"

"If you say children wouldn't know anything about masturbation on their own, you've never changed a little boy's diaper."

"If you can't control your reproduction, you can't control your life."

"I never knew a woman who needed an abortion who wasn't already pregnant. Let's get real."

"It's like dancing with a bear. When you're dancing with a bear, you can't get tired and sit down. You have to wait for the bear to get tired."

"We really need to get over this love affair with the fetus and start worrying about children."

"We know that more than 70 to 80% of women masturbate, and 90% of men masturbate, and the rest lie."

si am tinut ce mi-a placut mai mult, pentru sfarsit:

“75 percent of women and 88 percent of men are sexually active. In 1990, there were an estimated 1 million teen pregnancies in the United States. One of every 10 teen-age girls becomes pregnant each year. Seven of 10 black women will become pregnant by age 20; four of 10 white women will become pregnant by that age. Yet, we, in America still have not accepted the fact that our children are sexually active.... Just telling them to say `no' isn't enough. We've done nothing to reduce the need for an abortion."

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