Oh c'mon!!!!!!!! Breaking news, my ass!!! it's not even news!!! At least for me it is. Madonna released a new album called "Hard Candy"... now, i don't know if you know, but "hard candy" it's a term used by pedophiles and it's slang for an under-aged girl. So, she's a 50yr old woman?!... and?!... she's a hard candy?!... for?...who???
I don't have a problem with the title or with the featured artists on the album, but for a woman that age just associating the term "hard candy", it's pretty... how shall i put it?!... lame. I mean, she tries to "look" young and show all the rookies what it's all about (and frequently she achieves her gold) but i think she should change her style and her music to.... suite her age. Who cares if she feels young? SHE looks old!
This is video of the first released single
Versiunea in romana cu expresii "cul"
Madonna e ca Gica Petrescu!!! canta de la Adam si Eva si deja nimeni numa' stie cati ani are!!! Ea canta frate!!! In fiecare an, maximum la 2, ea scoate ceva nou si fiindca e mama pop-ului face ce vrea. E ca un fel de PSD in vremurile lui "bune" inainte de PD, face ce face si tot iti freak ceva in fata. Si in fiecare an cand auzi ceva nou de la ea zici "Iar?!", "Bah, da' asta nu se lasa?!?". Io cred k in vreo 20 de ani o sa inceapa ca Cher: "Primul concert de adio", "Maddona - The First 60 years"
Acum intre noi fie vorba, ma amuza k tipa asta la varsta ei, inca mai poate "sa stearga pe jos" cu putzele si pasaricile din ziua de azi (Nu uita de MTV awards unde Spears si Aguilera, erau... ce erau??!!! her bitches??? that's the term??!!! well i don't know???!!!... i guess ).
P.S. Apropo de "Hard Candy", ar trebui sa vedeti filmu'. Te tine treaz si te mai si imbolnavesti pe deasupra, de ce poa' sa faca un copil.
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