*pareri cu coloana sonora si ganduri spuse cu voce tare... sau scrise
marți, 7 decembrie 2010
melodia zilei... pe unele lucruri poti sa te bazezi.. toata viata
sâmbătă, 20 noiembrie 2010
melodia zilei... de un optimism ironic
marți, 16 noiembrie 2010
that just pisses me off
Ce m-a frapat la tipul asta, si ma frapeaza de cand il stiu, e ca tipul e genuine cool.Pe bune! Adica, nu am multe persoane in viata mea care le consider cool dar pustiu' asta ma enerveaza teribil. Cum dreaq reuseste frate?! E si mai mic ca mine, nu are prea multi prieteni, e retras, nu a iesit cu nimic in fata la scoala, nu s-a evidentiat cu nimic in tot liceul ala dar pt mine e super cool. Pe bune! cand il vad imi vine sa-i fut una si dupa aia sa-i fac o poza ca arata asa de cool batut.
Se imbraca mai tot timpul casual in liceu dar stia sa recunoasca ocaziile speciale, la care se imbraca cu ce era necesar. Acum cand l-am vazut eu era la 4 ace..dar stai ca asa se imbraca tot timpul acum, ca lucreaza in "finance"... how f*ing cool is that!?! "Si acum in plina criza, cum merge?" el:"e ok! ma descurc.. ne descurcam, plec acum intr-un concediu mic, asa ca incentive din partea firmei"... aaaa piss off!!!
si pe deasupra mai avea si o camasa care imi doresc de nu stiu cat timp (cu nasturi $^#% si guler %^si pe deasupra mai avea si o camasa care imi doresc de nu stiu cat timp (cu nasturi $^#% si guler %^si pe deasupra mai avea si o camasa care imi doresc de nu stiu cat timp (cu nasturi $^#% si guler %^si pe deasupra mai avea si o camasa care imi doresc de nu stiu cat timp (cu nasturi $^#% si guler %^$&^.. evident cool...care sunt numai la camasi purtate numai de oameni cool)
intelegi cat de tare ma enerveaza pustiu asta?!.. si ca sa inchid are si o atitudine din asta ride low fly high care nu e agasanta sau snoaba si de aceea ma enerveaza si mai tare.
hai k ma opresc ca m enervez si mai tare
duminică, 14 noiembrie 2010
melodia zilei... cand noptile albe vin cu bonusuri
Parov Stelar este un dj austriac (dar si un muzician !) de vreo 20 de ani... and that's a lot! A aparut pe 700 de compilatii (and that's even more !). de asemenea exista o gramada de reclame al carui soundtrack este semnat de catre Stelar.
sâmbătă, 13 noiembrie 2010
melodia zilei
vineri, 12 noiembrie 2010
ma gandeam... iar...
In acelasi timp imi dau seama ce reprezinta acest succes. Sa creezi e ceva. Sa fie frumos.. sau estetic.. este.. 'in the eye of the beholder'. Dar sa fie functional, este ceea ce te deosebeste de ceilalti. Si pe deasupra sa fie si inovativ.. si reprezentativ pt o alta tara (ca sa nu zic de alta cultura ) decat a ta, mi se pare ca aici se regaseste performanta.
Dar nu pot sa nu repet... consider ca arata ca dracu'
P.S. De asemenea am o banuiala ca profesorii de la facultatea de arhitectura I Mincu sunt doar profesori... nu neaparat arhitecti (prea subtil?!)
ma gandeam...
miercuri, 10 noiembrie 2010
melodia zilei...iar
Archie Shepp a scos un album in 1972 legat de revoltele din inchisoarea Attica din acea perioada. Acum, pt mine lucrul acesta este interesant prin prisma contextului politic (reformele de atunci) si cel rasial, ceea ce probabil da atata efervescenta melodiei de mai jos (yeah, i said it - efervescenta!).
marți, 2 noiembrie 2010
fiecare cu cel doare
Comentariul meu vine mai mult sub forma unei intrebari: De ce filmele de azi prefera sfarsitul "la alegere" (cum ii zic eu)?. Adica faza aia cu titirezu' lu DiCaprio mi s-a parut facuta la deruta - 'just for fun' - eu prefer sa ma gandesc ca daca ma lasa cu imaginea cu ala invartindu-se, ca poate o sa cada (se vede ca se dezechilibreaza). In acelasi timp altii zic ca intr-adevar, e un vis, ceea ce din nou e plauzibil. Faza care pe mine, ma irita, e ca mi-a ramas scena in cap... "Ce-o fi vrut dom'le sa zica poetu' "...
.... iar in cautarea mea de rasp am dat peste chestia asta:
(pt a intelege ce mi-a placut as vrea sa sugerez sa citesti ce e mai jos imitandu-l pe Homer Simpson, ceea ce te va face sa intelegi de ce numai am chef de filme destepte)
The movie cannot have unlimited meanings or endings. it has one ending and one ending only.
The reason so many people are confused is because of Shutter Island. Leo DiCaprio was not in reality until the end of Shutter Island. The two plots are not even similar but still people are getting them confused.
And Leo made that movie right before Inception.
So is he awake or dreaming at the end? (He is awake.)
Now if he was still dreaming at the end, that would be a TWIST. And if a movie has a twist, the surprise, or shocking ending is always revealed. Yes?
Or else who will ever know about the twist???? it is always revealed as a gotcha moment.
Since there is no surprise ending we must assume that what we see is REALITY.
by artistatrest
sâmbătă, 30 octombrie 2010
melodia zilei... why "clapton is god"...
...iar melodia care imi place cel mai mult de pe acest album, nu este in stilul lui dar m-am blocat pe ea:
miercuri, 27 octombrie 2010
melodia zilei... what about christian rock!?!...
Canta de prin '97, melodia de mai jos este de pe al 7-lea lor album 'Hurricane'.
Melodia zilei din cauza riff-ului
sâmbătă, 16 octombrie 2010
marți, 12 octombrie 2010
joi, 7 octombrie 2010
you can try...
Please!.. do take notes...
miercuri, 6 octombrie 2010
ca sa treaca timpul...
In acelasi timp, recunosc ca emisiunea trateaza unele gasti serioase, in privinta carora si realizatorul (R.K.) recunoaste ca reportajul nu poate sa acopere decat superficial acest subiect dar iti faci macar o idee. din nou, ma gandesc ca aceste gasti acopera un procentaj foarte mic din populatie iar evenimentele pe care le cauzeaza, din nou, apar intr-un procentaj mic din nr total.
Apropo - astia care promoveaza artele martiale ca maniera de autoaparare... hai sa fim seriosi!!! atat timp cat nu esti femeie, nu te duci la karate ca sa inveti sa te aperi. De asemenea daca a fost cineva atent, ti se spune ca daca te antrenezi constant, vei fi pregatit intotdeauna... pentru ce?!!? daca nu se intampla nimic?!?!.. atunci nu am pierdut acel timp?!!?... puteam de exemplu sa muncesc mai mult, sa castig mai multi bani sa-mi iau un pistol cu care puteam sa te impusc, de asemenea imi puteam permite un avocat care sa ma scape ca te-am impuscat... nu neaparat in autoaparare!?! Si de asemenea imi puteam permite o alta gramada de lucruri care sa ma tina departe de tot felul de idioti.
luni, 27 septembrie 2010
melodia zilei... altceva
joi, 9 septembrie 2010
apropo de muzica...
melodia zilei... bun asa
luni, 23 august 2010
din ciclul "romanu'i frate cu codru' "
vineri, 20 august 2010
melodia zilei... trebuie sa aflam ce mananca dj-ii in Franta
..partea mai interesanta sau cea care imi place mie incepe de pe la min 3 si putin.
Acum problema e ca ce vreau io sa pun pe blog nu exista decat sub forma unui torrent care trebuie sa-l dai tu jos. Albumul se numeste - ironic, (ca-i greu de gasit) - 'The Lost Sessions" si e inregistrat alaturi de John Mayall, din1971. Melodia se numeste "Cold in Hand".
Pana una alta... alta melodie:
P.S. daca e cineva mai curios din fire da un click aici si e a doua melodie din playlist.
miercuri, 11 august 2010
ce ma bucur
duminică, 1 august 2010
vineri, 30 iulie 2010
poate vad eu altfel...
... cum dreaq poti sa alergi fara sa razi?!.. a fost greu.. dar la refren nu am mai putut decat sa izbucnes in ras
miercuri, 28 iulie 2010
ma gandeam...
Problema mea este alta. JD Fortune a fost data afara din formatie anul trecut, dupa o colaborare de cativa ani (3-4) din motivul ca are o problema (destul de serioasa) cu drogurile. Ceea ce mi se pare ok?!.. cred?!?!.. ai putea sa ma intrebi de ce am scris "cred?!?!"..?!.. ei bine Michael Hutchence a murit din supradoza,deci, putem sa zicem ca exista un pattern :)), dar argumentul cel mai bun si de nestavilit (tare cuvant) este ca formatia se numeste INXS...adica trebuie sa se intample ceva ... in exces... si intr-o formatie rock, ce dreaq ar putea sa fie in exces?!?! cofeina!?, guma de mestecat, shaorme?!..impozite?!?
joi, 22 iulie 2010
joi, 8 iulie 2010
It's cute.. but it's wrong
2.Si ca sa nu mai zic de faza cu 'Epic'... am auzit destule persoane care o zic p'asta... in loc de 'misto'/'tare'/'foarte tare'/'super'.... Jeremy Clarkson se caca pe el de ras... hai sa fim seriosi, ca el este singurul care-l vezi la TV... 'Let me tell you!!! It's epic!!!'
3. As vrea si eu sa fiu ubercool.. adica vad pozele unora de pe facebook si ma gandesc sca trece viata pe langa mine... dar in acelasi timp ma gandesc ca cine are timp sa stea atata pe facebook nu prea e... cool.
melodia zilei... hai sa te pun pe ganduri
This song is about realizing consequence and regret. It sends a powerful message that we should all proceed through life wisely, because there is nothing worse than being stuck with a label, a pain, a sickness, or a death, that we know beforehand will leave us only wishing things had been different and that we could change the choices we made. (thanks, Wes - Florence, AL)
This song is reportedly Trent Reznor's favorite and is always the final song played at Nine Inch Nails concerts. He considers it the most personal song he has ever written. (thanks, Konrad - Wellington, New Zealand)
Reznor bought the home of actress Sharon Tate, who was one of the victims in the Manson family murders (Reznor didn't know she used to live there when he rented it). This song, along with most of the Closer album was done in the mansion. The front door of the house had the word "Pig" written on it by the murderers. Reportedly this was painted over numerous times, but you could faintly see the outline of the word on the wall. Trent apparently never noticed the word until after he was told whose mansion it was. After The Downward Spiral was completed, Trent had the mansion demolished, but kept the front door handle "to remind him of what happened and the events that took place inside." (information compiled from the Nine Inch Nails CD biography book)
On his 2002 album American IV, The Man Comes Around, Johnny Cash did a stark cover of this with a striking video. In the video, the 71-year old Cash appears very fragile as he sings this from his home in Hendersonville, Tennessee. Cash wore no makeup, and there was no attempt to make him look younger or more vibrant through lighting or other effects. This was interspersed with footage of Cash in his younger days. The video appeared to be Cash's obituary, as he was in failing health after a life filled with drug-abuse. The video was very emotional and drew a lot of media attention, including a story on CNN. Trent Reznor was very impressed by Cash's take on his song and quite moved by the video.
Cash's video was directed by Mark Romanek, who previously directed videos by U2, Michael Jackson and Madonna. He also directed the 2002 Robin Williams movie One Hour Photo. He shot some of the video at the House Of Cash Museum, which contained a lot of Cash's memorabilia but had been closed for years and was damaged in a flood. Romanek felt the museum was an honest and powerful reflection of Cash's life. He said of Johnny Cash's video in The Guardian September 24, 2005: "Johnny's producer, Rick Rubin, played me this track long before its release and I was so struck by it I said, 'We have to film something to go with this.' I'm a massive Johnny Cash fan and had been lined up to shoot a video for him a few years before which Anton Corbijn ended up doing instead. So this time I made Rick promise me I could make it. He called me on a Tuesday and said, 'Johnny's going on holiday to his ranch in Jamaica on Saturday so if you want to make this you better make it quick.'
I'm someone who usually takes a minimum of two weeks to prep a video but this was Johnny Cash. So I jumped on a redeye to Nashville with my producer and a cameraman and arrived on Friday with no idea of what I was going to make. I looked around the house and made a few suggestions of where we might film Johnny performing. I was making it up off the top of my head. Then I went to the House of Cash Museum and found it in total disrepair.
There was no time to clean it up so I decided that I'd just film it, and Johnny, exactly as they were. He was no longer in his prime - he was fading and that was what I wanted to show. While I was filming the opening segment of Johnny playing guitar in his living room, his wife, June, came down the stairs and watched. The look on her face was so complex: full of love and pride and concern for her husband. So I asked her if I could film her too and she agreed. But the most important element was when we discovered a film archive in the museum. When we looked back at the rushes we'd filmed at the house we thought they were good but not great. But once we dropped in the archive footage of Johnny we realized that was the soul of the video. The whole thing was so spontaneous. It's made me realize that sometimes you can be too prepared and that there's some value to urgency."
Cash's wife, June Carter Cash, died later that year.
Rick Rubin, who produced Johnny Cash's cover, says of this song in the October 2004 edition of Vanity Fair: "It's a strange song. I mean, the opening line is, 'I hurt myself today...' And then the next line is, 'To see if I still feel.' So it's self-inflicted. It's such a strange thought to open a song with." (thanks, Edward Pearce - Ashford, Kent, England)
Cash played this over 100 times before he recorded it. He called it "The best anti-drug song I ever heard."
Cash's video was nominated for 7 MTV Video Music Awards, including Video Of The Year. The only award it won was for Best Cinematography, but Justin Timberlake said some nice things about Cash when he accepted Best Male Video for "Cry Me A River." Cash wasn't able to attend because of a stomach ailment. He died about 2 weeks later of complications from diabetes.
The Cash video won a Grammy for Best Short Form Video. June Carter Cash, who died 4 months before the awards, also won for Best Traditional Folk Album and Best Female Country Vocal.
The Johnny Cash cover was used by World Wrestling Entertainment for a video tribute to the late Eddie Guerrero. The video tribute was broadcast on the November 14, 2005 episode of WWE Monday Night Raw a day after Guerrero passed away. (thanks, Chris - Andover, MN)
When Johnny Cash covered this, he changed the line "I wear this crown of s--t" to "I wear this crown of thorns." This made the song more Biblical. (thanks, Chris - Bradenton, FL)
Trent Reznor has confessed that originally he was angry that Johnny Cash had covered this, as it was such a personal song to him. However, once he heard Cash's heart-wrenching version and saw the poignant video, he changed his tune.
Reznor recalled to The Sun Newspaper August 1st 2008: "The Cash thing was a couple of years into being clean I was very unsure of myself. Did I have anything to say? Could I still write music? Did anyone still care? I'd been out of the limelight for a while. I'd put the brakes on everything to try to get my life in order, to try to get healthy and stay alive. I'd been friends with Rick Rubin for several years. He called me to ask how I'd feel if Johnny Cash covered Hurt. I said I'd be very flattered but was given no indication it would actually be recorded. Two weeks went by. Then I got a CD in the post. I listened to it and it was very strange. It was this other person inhabiting my most personal song. I'd known where I was when I wrote it. I know what I was thinking about. I know how I felt. Hearing it was like someone kissing your girlfriend. It felt invasive."
It was when Reznor finally saw the video that his attitude changed. He continued: "It really, really made sense and I thought what a powerful piece of art. I never got to meet Johnny but I'm happy I contributed the way I did. It felt like a warm hug. For anyone who hasn't seen it, I highly recommend checking it out. I have goose bumps right now thinking about it."
On January 29, 2007 Johnny Cash's rendition of this song was voted the best ever cover version in a poll by BBC 6 Music. It got twice as many votes as other famous covers such as Jimi Hendrix' "All Along The Watchtower" and Joe Cocker's "With A Little Help From My Friends." (thanks, Edward Pearce - Ashford, Kent, England, for above 2)
miercuri, 7 iulie 2010
e de forma... se transforma sau cum viata mea placuta se duce in p#$ă
... viata mea era asa.... dimineata gogosi cu capuccino, la pranz un gratar (frigarui cu cartofi sau piure), ceaiul de la ora 5 venea cu un drum la McD sau Pizza Hut... seara mai gustam ceva iar noaptea, daca era de invatat mai mergeau niste sandwich-uri cu 'jdemii de chestii, eclere sau biscuiti cu crema.... si asa am ajuns la o greutate impresionanta.
... acum viata mea (superba) este cam asa.. dimineata cereale cu lapte/iaurt, la ora 10 gustarica - un mar (de kkt) la pranz pui/peste la ora 5 ceai si o gustarica - alt mar mama lui de mar, seara pana in 8 iau cina peste/pui... . orice masa are legume.. iar cartoful se pare ca nu e acea leguma.
... si la final.. singura chestie care-mi place din toata chestia asta este marul.?!..
sâmbătă, 3 iulie 2010
funny shit
...bai, trebuie sa recunosc ca mi-a placut 'Vama veche', inca imi place!...Imi place Vama veche si nu sechele gen 'Vama'. Nici pana acum nu am inteles ce s-a intamplat exact si nici nu prea ma mai intereseaza dar pana la urma, formatia 'Vama veche' ramane o amintire placuta din liceu. Cat despre Vama ..?!.. ?!..numa' de bine.
joi, 1 iulie 2010
melodia zilei... cand haiducii au umplut strazile
Nu stiu cine sunt, cu ce se ocupa dar o sa ma interesez.
marți, 22 iunie 2010
joi, 10 iunie 2010
marți, 18 mai 2010
miercuri, 12 mai 2010
marți, 4 mai 2010
miercuri, 21 aprilie 2010
melodia zilei... Jimi Hendrix R U L E S!!!
albumul "Valleys Of Neptune" a fost lansat in martie a.c. "digitally remastered" cred ca e termenul?!.. nu stiu sigur. Merita ascultat, cumparat, dat la copii pt educatie muzicala, pus in scoli, pe strada, la metrou, in Ratb. Da! Asa ar trebui :).
tema de casa - acestea sunt albume postum: The Cry of Love (1971), Rainbow Bridge (1971), War Heroes (1972), Loose Ends (1974), Crash Landing (1975), Midnight Lightning (1975), Nine to the Universe (1980), Radio One (1988), First Rays of the New Rising Sun (1997), South Saturn Delta (1997).
film de vazut.. revazut... revazut si revazut... din nou
2 bucati Coen
o bucata Byrne
o bucata Finney
se asezoneaza cu Thompson (that's the gun!)
se amesteca 114 minute la foc puternic si rezulta o seara de marti beton!!!
P.S. Daca portia nu a fost de ajuns... se trece la "Barton Fink"
vineri, 16 aprilie 2010
melodia zilei... amintiri din copilarie
marți, 13 aprilie 2010
melodia zilei... nu e niciodata prea tarziu
luni, 29 martie 2010
ce ma bucur
Acum... am o idee... Decat sa cumparam 24 de avioane la second hand mai bine cumparam Volvo.
sâmbătă, 27 martie 2010
melodia zilei... gata cu bang bang my baby shot me down
albumul iese luni..asa k nu stiu despre ce e vorba.
de ce ma mai minunez?!?!
Florin Chilian a dat in judecata Ministerul Culturii pt 1 (unu) milion de euro
florin chilian NU A FACUT, NU FACE si NU O SA FACA NICIODATA 1 milion de euro.
Sunt de acord, cu a da in judecata MCC. Da, au gresit! Dar 1 milion de euro, in Romania anului 2009... Hai bai! da-o in mama ei de treaba.
P.S. cineva a zis ca suma este de genul asta.. ca sa-i 'invete minte'.... 1 milion de euro?!?! sigur.
vineri, 26 martie 2010
melodia zilei... a se asculta in masina in timp ce pleci din bucuresti
joi, 25 martie 2010
melodia zilei... dezmorteala sau amorteala?!...
Hausaufgabe (tema pt acasa): Massive Attack "Mezzanine", Mazzy Star "So Tonight That I Might See"
miercuri, 24 martie 2010
tanti mariana
Probabil o sa-mi zici ca sunt nesimtit dar eu nu ma refer la Mariana... ci la "tanti Mariana". daca "tanti Mariana" ar lua un Oscar, ar lua pt intrega activitate.. in rol secundar.
P.S. Mai scriu o data... nu vreau sa jignesc pe nimeni. probabil ca am vreun prieten al carui mama o cheama Mariana dar cand am scris randurile de mai sus, nu a fost, cu gandul la ea.
marți, 23 martie 2010
melodia zilei... astenia mea e mai misto ca a lor
live-ul suna la fel de bine
P.S. hmm am scris asta deci nu se pune :D
Bonobo (din toamna mi-am facut temele, am mai ascultat, m-am mai documentat... si am fost la 2 beri distanta de concert dar asta e alta poveste) - este un nene din "east london"... sau west?!? (am inteles ca nu trebuie sa incurc) care se joaca cu platanele de prin '99 si acum vreo 5-6 ani a inceput sa scoata si albume. Este insotit/acompaniat de nirobi (de care sincer nu stiu nimik decat o singura melodie). mai exact.... wiki zice asa "Bonobo uses a wide variety of samples in his music combined with heavy, often complex basslines. His music generally develops linearly - with new elements such as basslines or percussion coming in one after the other. In Days to Come, he mixes this sonic background with the clean yet distinctive vocals of Bajka, who often uses harmony to build up a multifaceted sound. Whilst often touring solo, and performing DJ sets, in 2004 Bonobo opted to follow the growing trend amongst electronic acts of playing with a full band. The band plays live renditions of studio material, with a singer, keyboardist, guitarist, saxophonist, string section, Electronics, and drummer. Simon Green mainly plays bass guitar, and leads the band from the middle."
Ideea e in felul urmator.. daca il vezi live ai doua sanse: the "good" live cu formatie - chitarist, percutionist, tobosar, vocal (Bajka rules!!!), el fiind basistul; the "not so good" live - varianta care a fost in romania in toamna - dj set - care nu e asta misto dar e o experienta.
muzica suplimentara: U.N.K.L.E., Herbaliser
miercuri, 17 martie 2010
melodia zilei... incet, asa.. de marti... adica miercuri :))
Ce-i mai jos e de prin 2003, formatia a scos un album "Tales From Beyond The Groove", care nu prea a avut succes, dovada ca l-am gasit 7 ani mai tarziu :))
Homework: Avia - Why Should I Cry
vineri, 12 martie 2010
ceea ce va doresc si voua
... tre' sa recunosc ca ma uit mult pe geam:)).. si de la geamul meu de la etajul 1 vad o gramada de blocuri.. gri, evident
... tre' sa recunosc ca uneori rad in sinea mea si mi-ar place sa fie asa...
reclamele de mai sus provin dintr-o campanie a Mulino Bianco din anii 90. Pt mine numai reclama nu sunt, video-urile de mai sus. Si amuzant este ca atunci cand am vazut reclama asta ('93-'94), o punga de Mulino Bianco era ma scumpa ca un borcanel de icre de stiuca (pt cunoscatori =)) ).
joi, 11 martie 2010
luni, 8 martie 2010
melodia zilei... on the 8th of march.... let's launder our karma :))
nota bena a la Wiki: "Battle Flag" (or "Battleflag") is a song by Pigeonhed (Shawn Smith and Steve Fisk) from their 1997 album The Full Sentence. It was remixed by Lo Fidelity Allstars featuring Pigeonhed for Pigeonhed’s Flash Bulb Emergency Overflow Cavalcade of Remixes album and later included and released as a single from the Lo Fidelity Allstars album How To Operate With A Blown Mind. Though it failed to garner much success in the United Kingdom, it gained modest airplay on both radio and MTV in the United States. It was also extremely successful on alternative rock radio stations in the United States, peaking at #6 on the Modern Rock Tracks chart, the only U.S. chart appearance by either Lo Fidelity Allstars or Pigeonhed.
duminică, 7 martie 2010
luni, 1 martie 2010
melodia zilei... this will be interesting...
asta e o formatie din california, formata in 2004 care a scos un EP prin noiembrie... anul trecut. Nu au videoclip, nu au album (cum am spus si mai devreme :)) ), nu au site dar au pagina de myspace unde am gasit si melodia.... faza e k trebuie tu sa intri, sa o selectezi si sa dai play :D... treaba 'multa' dar merita.
vineri, 26 februarie 2010
melodia zilei... cand refrenul nu e totul
songfacts.com zice asa:
*Before you could send a text message or call someone in their car, there was no way to communicate to a driver - unless you had a certain telepathic love that could convey from a distance your desire to be with that person, something you might call - Radar Love. In this song, the guy has been driving all night, but keeps pushing the pedal because he just knows that his baby wants him home.
*Golden Earring was founded 1961 and into the '00s was still playing with the same lineup since 1970, doing 100+ shows a year in The Netherlands, Belgium and Germany. The group is from The Netherlands, where this was a #1 hit. They had only one other hit. It didn't come until 1982, with "Twilight Zone."
*The song is all in 4/4 time, and the original tempo is around 100 BPM. It's a very clever arrangement: the intro is on the beat of each bar at the start. The shuffle on the snare is semi triplets which give the illusion of the song speeding up. You have to quantize drum machines to a 6th beat. Consequently the chorus is doubled up to give the impression that the tempo has speeded up to 200 BPM. You have to transpose the 4/4 bar so it can be played with in 1 beat of the bar. It does take a bit of lateral thinking to get your head around the math, but the song is all 4/4 at 100 BPM.
*The website www.radar-love.net details lots of info on the use and abuse of this song. It has been covered over 250 times: Notable versions include Bryan Adams, U2, Crowded House, Def Leppard, R.E.M. and Carlos Santana. It has also been used in TV shows The Simpsons, The X-Files, Beverly Hills, 90210 and My Name Is Earl. Movie usages include The Break-Up, Pushing Tin and Wayne's World 2.
marți, 23 februarie 2010
duminică, 21 februarie 2010
era si timpul
marți, 16 februarie 2010
cea mai misto palma EVER
tiganca:tu de ce pui mana de 100 de ori pe mine?!
fundal ioOoi
tiganca:heEEeeeei (i didn't see that coming)
melodia zilei... cand intrebarea nu ma sperie
...trebuie sa recunosc ca Jack White este enervant. Am 'vrut' sa nu-mi placa "White Stripes" si am reusit.. chiar daca stiu ca au scos 3 albume pana la ala cu 'Seven Nation Army'. Dupa aia am auzit de o melodie 'steady as she goes' si am ascultat albumul.. si pe fata si pe dos. Dupa 3 ani am aflat cine canta (my bad). Acum o luna aud '60 feet tall' si imi zic cat de bine suna!!! bai! cine o canta?! aaaaaaaa.. bai! e bun! si dupa ce am vazut si "It Might Get Loud" prefer sa tac si sa nu (mai) comentez.
... si mai enervant e ca suna bine si inregistrarea de studio dar sa auzi/vezi live-ul
marți, 9 februarie 2010
the latest
... am mers, si m-am plimbat.. bine, de fapt am avut treaba si am tot umblat prin bucuresti si am ajuns la concluzia ca e un oras de idioti... asta apropo de ninsoare, dezapezire, soferi si vecini cu masini noi... nu are sens sa dezvolt.
... ziua 31 de lasat de fumat... alta idee idioata care am avut-o si care incerc sa nu o regret.. dar as fuma o tigara :))... am facut o gastro-esofagita de la guma cu nicotina si acum iau omeran.. ceea ce e beton.
... am fost la Bobby McFerrin si mi-a placut la nebunie!!! beton!!! Misto!!!
... am fost la tenis.. si am fost batut... de am fost trimis la gradinita la grupa mica.
... incerc sa merg la sala.. si reusesc, dar de slabit nu am reusit ba din contra.. m-am ingrasat.
... am gasit un telefon in zapada.
... am revazut gashka, dupa 2 luni. o sa ma vad cu ei peste alte 2 luni...:)))
... mi-am dat banii pe tigari, pe cd-uri asa ca acum am destul de multe.. sau mai bine zis si mai multe... cel mai mandru sunt de unul cu Deep Purple.
... nu am facut poze.. cu toate ca imi facusem planul
... nu am mai baut cafea de o luna
...si cam atat
P.S. cred ca intrarea asta se pupa cu ideea de blog.... this is so lame!!!!
marți, 2 februarie 2010
oameni care as vrea sa-i cunosc
miercuri, 27 ianuarie 2010
duminică, 24 ianuarie 2010
melodia zilei... i'm digging this
sâmbătă, 23 ianuarie 2010
o idee beton
cum a inghetat iadul...
joi, 21 ianuarie 2010
luni, 18 ianuarie 2010
melodia zilei... hmm... it's complicated, this time
Cautam Solomon Burke - A Minute To Rest, care o canta cu Ben Harper si am gasit una de la Ben Harper care se numeste Take My Hand care o canta cu The Blind Boys Of Alabama care este formatia ce-l acompaniaza pe Solomon Burke. Asa ca:
melodia de la Solomon Burke, e mai mult mai misto dar nu am un video sau un sample.
P.S. La inceputul video-ului de mai sus, Ben Harper zice "I'm a God-loving atheist" :))
sâmbătă, 16 ianuarie 2010
cel mai bun film al tuturor timpurilor este...
Filmul are 9 minute. Primul filmulet e varianta pentru EA, pentru ca are coloana sonora (cu mesaj) si e mai scurt (nu cred ca sunt multe tipe carora le place viteza) iar a doua varianta este pentru EL: 9 minute de viteza cu coloana sonora a unui Ferrari 275GTB
pt EA:
pt EL:
P.S. Regizorul a fost arestat dupa difuzarea acestui filmulet pentru ca viteza medie in acest film este de 80 de km/h si cea maxima de 200 km/h. In 2006 Lelouche a recunoscut ca de fapt el este cel care conduce masina in film si masina este de fapt un Mercedes de 6.9L.. probabil un 450SEL.... dar daca te face sa te simti mai bine sunetul este intr-adevar al unui Ferrari dublat peste Mercedes :)
melodia zilei... cand aschia nu sare departe de trunchi
Trebuie sa recunosc ca nu e ca tata, dar cum am citit pe undeva, e greu pentru oricine sa-l egaleze pe John Lee Hooker. De ce?...:
sâmbătă, 9 ianuarie 2010
melodia zilei... that's how it goes
la inceput de an...
Pe locul 2. Mihaela Radulescu. Mai pupa-ma'n c$r!!! Da-o bah in p@#Da ma-sii!!!!
3. Cele mai frumoase locuri din lume... e ok?! Probabil. Destinatii pentru urmatoarea vacanta.
4. Herta Muller... no pb there
5.1001... 500 nu ajung dar cu o mie te saturi sigur... uneori cred ca e o boala generala, asta cu..."sa fii bine informat"
6. Herta Muller... din nou! Pe bune, e Ok. Chiar ma gandesc de ce nu am si eu o carte de ea.
si locul 7, ce incheie topul... ghicul optimistului si pesimistului.
Locul 7 imi incheie postarea si in acelasi timp imi concluzioneaza... daca ar fi un top cu 6 locuri, 3 ar fi pesimiste - vezi Muller si 3... optimiste. Apogeul - ce nu pot sa ma abtin sa nu-l comentez vine la locul 2, unde, dupa Herta Muller, cel mai citit scriitor este Mihaela Radulescu. SI CU ASTA SUNTEM OFICIAL... DE CACAT!!! BRAVO