*pareri cu coloana sonora si ganduri spuse cu voce tare... sau scrise
miercuri, 30 septembrie 2009
marți, 29 septembrie 2009
best of romania part 6

1. aia de la Pimp My Ride se dau cu capul de pereti
2. Treningul inca ma este la moda
3. Barbatul va ramane barbat,
4. Ea e doar proasta
5. Mitsubishi Colt ramane in continuare o masina misto (chiar daca sunt in posesia unor idioti)
melodia zilei .... versus
jill scott, she's a heavy sister care suna cu siguranta mai bine ca abba lu' hubba
hi5 vs facebook vs myspace vs twitter vs bebo vs netlog
2. dupa ce o sa descoperi al doilea serviciu de social networking o sa faci misto, o sa ti se para absurd ca cineva foloseste altceva
3. reteaua ta "sociala" de prieteni este oricum concentrata in jurul prietenilor care ii vezi mai des... este simplu;, nu te intereseaza cineva cu care vb o data la 3 ani... aaa,da e bine sa-l ai in lista de prieteni, ca sa fie acolo, dar sa fim seriosi, o sa te uiti la pozele lui numai sa-ti aduci aminte cum arata.
4. poate ar fi cazul sa iesi din casa.
luni, 28 septembrie 2009
melodia zilei... cand 'am facut sant' cu peter gabriel
1. cu toate ca e un show foarte elaborat (regizor - Robert Lepage), astia chiar imi dau impresia ca se distreaza
2. pt cei care au auzit de Paula Cole (... sau nu) si care nu stiu cum arata, ea este tipa in rochie neagra. ('Where Have All The Cowboys Gone', 'I Don't Wanna Wait' - Dawson's Creek OST)
3. melodia e compusa impreuna cu Youssoun N'Dour
... dupa toate mistourile mele (si ale altora :)) ), cum ca nu va functiona, a scos-o la capat asa ca m-am gandit daca intra 2 oameni pe blogul asta... poate intra 2 si la el.
miercuri, 23 septembrie 2009
melodia zilei
Barry Williams is an actor who played Greg Brady on the popular '70s TV show The Brady Bunch. This song deals with "trash TV" - mostly talk shows such as Jerry Springer, Ricki Lake, etc.
This song was not originally meant to reference the Brady Bunch actor Barry Williams. Gabriel reportedly wanted a plain ordinary sounding name for the title. He stated in several interviews that he never watched The Brady Bunch or knew there was an American actor with that name. Yet, Barry Williams (the actor) does appear briefly in the song's video at the beginning as a member of the talk show audience.
Sean Penn directed the music video for this song.
P.S. pt ca videoclipul nu se vede si nici nu se aude bine, eu prefer versiunea de mai jos:
no comment
The Lost Art Of Handwriting
Umberto Eco
Recently, two Italian journalists wrote a three-page newspaper article (in print, alas) about the decline of handwriting. By now it's well-known: most kids – what with computers (when they use them) and text messages – can no longer write by hand, except in laboured capital letters.
In an interview, a teacher said that students also make lots of spelling mistakes, which strikes me as a separate problem: doctors know how to spell and yet they write poorly; and you can be an expert calligrapher and still write "guage" or "gage" instead of "gauge".
I know children whose handwriting is fairly good. But the article talks of 50% of Italian kids – and so I suppose it is thanks to an indulgent destiny that I frequent the other 50% (something that happens to me in the political arena, too).
The tragedy began long before the computer and the cellphone.
My parents' handwriting was slightly slanted because they held the sheet at an angle, and their letters were, at least by today's standards, minor works of art. At the time, some – probably those with poor hand- writing – said that fine writing was the art of fools. It's obvious that fine handwriting does not necessarily mean fine intelligence. But it was pleasing to read notes or documents written as they should be.
My generation was schooled in good handwriting, and we spent the first months of elementary school learning to make the strokes of letters. The exercise was later held to be obtuse and repressive but it taught us to keep our wrists steady as we used our pens to form letters rounded and plump on one side and finely drawn on the other. Well, not always – because the inkwells, with which we soiled our desks, notebooks, fingers and clothing, would often produce a foul sludge that stuck to the pen and took 10 minutes of mucky contortions to clean.
The crisis began with the advent of the ballpoint pen. Early ballpoints were also very messy and if, immediately after writing, you ran your finger over the last few words, a smudge inevitably appeared. And people no longer felt much interest in writing well, since handwriting, when produced with a ballpoint, even a clean one, no longer had soul, style or personality.
Why should we regret the passing of good handwriting? The capacity to write well and quickly on a keyboard encourages rapid thought, and often (not always) the spell-checker will underline a misspelling.
Although the cellphone has taught the younger generation to write "Where R U?" instead of "Where are you?", let us not forget that our forefathers would have been shocked to see that we write "show" instead of "shew" or "enough" instead of "enow". Medieval theologians wrote "respondeo dicendum quod", which would have made Cicero recoil in horror.
The art of handwriting teaches us to control our hands and encourages hand-eye coordination.
The three-page article pointed out that writing by hand obliges us to compose the phrase mentally before writing it down. Thanks to the resistance of pen and paper, it does make one slow down and think. Many writers, though accustomed to writing on the computer, would sometimes prefer even to impress letters on a clay tablet, just so they could think with greater calm.
It's true that kids will write more and more on computers and cellphones. Nonetheless, humanity has learned to rediscover as sports and aesthetic pleasures many things that civilisation had eliminated as unnecessary.
People no longer travel on horseback but some go to a riding school; motor yachts exist but many people are as devoted to true sailing as the Phoenicians of 3,000 years ago; there are tunnels and railroads but many still enjoy walking or climbing Alpine passes; people collect stamps even in the age of email; and armies go to war with Kalashnikovs but we also hold peaceful fencing tournaments.
It would be a good thing if parents sent kids off to handwriting schools so they could take part in competitions and tournaments – not only to acquire grounding in what is beautiful, but also for psychomotor wellbeing. Such schools already exist; just search for "calligraphy school" on the internet. And perhaps for those with a steady hand but without a steady job, teaching this art could become a good business.
vineri, 18 septembrie 2009
the best of romania part 5
...Rezidenţii, banii înapoi. Am pus o restricţie punitivă.Rezidenţii sunt plătiţi din bugetul statului. Dacă un medic a terminat specialitatea şi vrea să plece, sigur că poate să plece, dar a făcut specialitatea pe banii ţării şi acum trebuie să returneze banii. Salariul unui rezident este în jur de 12 milioane de lei vechi, înmulţim cu 12 şi vedem cât face pe un an. Probabil că mulţi nu vor avea banii ăştia, dar mi se pare o măsură corectă. Intră în vigoare din anul universitar viitor. Anul ăsta ţinem rezidenţiatul pe principiile vechi.... zise Ferrari
1. 'făcut specialitatea pe banii ţării' - nu pe sanatatea rezidentului!!!... ci pe banii 'lui'... ai statului!!! asa ar trebui sa cerem, treptat, banii inapoi la toti care pleaca peste hotare... la urma urmei ar putea sa ceara si bursele de merit din timpul facultatii. Pentru banii aia nu a muncit nimeni... sunt doar cadou. Kdou!!!!
2. restrictie 'punitiva'
3. ce faci cu 12 milioane?
4. acum o luna au propus sa nu fie platite 20 de ore de munca.. la politisti si medici. Atat!!! doar la politisti si medici! Politistii au raspuns ce-i drept.
5. In plin an electoral faci afirmatia de la pctul 4 si in decurs de o luna anunti ca dublezi salariile
6. mai sus sunt 5 pasi... 5 motive pentru care un ministru va fi schimbat, 5 motive pentru care iar vor pleca mii de doctori. De la '90 au plecat 25000 de medici iar numai in ultimii 2 ani au plecat aproximativ 4000, iar singura metoda care a fost gasita, a fost o restrictie.... PUNITIVA!!!
Cu respect
P.S. Acum vreo cateva luni cineva mi-a spus ca nu intelege de ce doctorii se plang de salarii... "Daca lucrezi de la 8 la 13!?!"..."Ce faci in timpul ala?"... si pe bune ca inca nu stiu ce sa-i zic... nici acum nu stiu cum sa-i raspund.
miercuri, 16 septembrie 2009
cum sa te lasi de fumat in 10 pasi
... ideea este mai peste tot, ca fumatul poate fi oprit de la sine sau prin ajutor specializat si aici ma refer de la doctor si psiholog pana la pers cu 8/12 clase instruite in a te ajuta sa te lasi.... ideea este sa vrei
... exista programe internationale, nationale.... si tot mai 'jos' dar concluzia este ca e un proces dificil care necesita .... kkt!!! chiar nu stiu!?!.. pentru ca eu nu am reusit.
... dar...
sa zicem intr-o lume... ca in romania asa, ministerul sanatatii ar angaja in aceste programe niste camatari, niste tigani dinaia urati cu 4 cefe, maieuri suflecate de grasime si cu 'gigollo' scrise pe ele, la care doar trebuie sa le zici ca vrei sa te lasi si ei ... 'they'll track you, follow you and hunt you down' si sa dea dreaq sa ai tigara sau sa-ti miroasa gura sau chiar si mana a tutun... ca le dai un degetel. Daca stai sa te gandesti bine, la urma urmei sunt doar 10 curse dar 4 dintre ele sunt mai dureroase (vezi fig 1.).
fig. 1:

duminică, 13 septembrie 2009
sâmbătă, 12 septembrie 2009
the best of romania part 4
ironia vine, ca eu am fost printre ultimii care au completat aceasta cerere. Pe scara mea sunt 30 de apartamente... 8 etaje,.. 5 scari... Daca nu ai inteles inca, eu am fost printre ultimii 20 din 150 de persoane care au semnat acest act.
melodia zilei... cand ma loveste melancolia
tremolo = Usoară tremurătură produsă, la executarea unei bucăţi muzicale cu un instrument sau cu vocea, prin repetarea rapidă a unuia sau a mai multor sunete... sau... Ornament muzical cu efect plăcut, constând din alternarea rapidă a două sunete nealăturate sau a două acorduri de scurtă durată.
miercuri, 9 septembrie 2009
melodia zilei
bajka cica se pronunta 'biker' dar imi place mai mult cum suna 'bashca'... de ea nush mai nimic iar de bonobo nici atat dar melodia suna beton