... de curand am revazut "Troy" si mi-am dat seama.... bai, frate! daca Ahile ala e invincibil si singurul loc loc care-l face mortal este glezna sau tendonul (depinde de autor), cum dreaq a murit???... cu putinta e cel mai prost om din din toata istoria antica!!! pe langa faptul ca un calcai nu decide o lupta si poti trai si fara, mai merge si in sandale ?!? wtf!!!... daca eram in locul lui puneam piciorul in chirpic si lasam la uscat 2 luni, timp in care nu ieseam din casa. Ce dreaq mi se putea intampla??... ma miscam mai greu si ce daca, oricum eram invincibil!?... si dupa toate fazele astea in care isi lasa piciorul dezgolit, in sfarsit cineva il nimereste fix in picior - Paris - si ce daca?!!?!?!?!.. e doar un picior... si mai e s
*pareri cu coloana sonora si ganduri spuse cu voce tare... sau scrise
duminică, 28 iunie 2009
mi-a luat 14 ani dar nimic nu e in van...
... de curand am revazut "Troy" si mi-am dat seama.... bai, frate! daca Ahile ala e invincibil si singurul loc loc care-l face mortal este glezna sau tendonul (depinde de autor), cum dreaq a murit???... cu putinta e cel mai prost om din din toata istoria antica!!! pe langa faptul ca un calcai nu decide o lupta si poti trai si fara, mai merge si in sandale ?!? wtf!!!... daca eram in locul lui puneam piciorul in chirpic si lasam la uscat 2 luni, timp in care nu ieseam din casa. Ce dreaq mi se putea intampla??... ma miscam mai greu si ce daca, oricum eram invincibil!?... si dupa toate fazele astea in care isi lasa piciorul dezgolit, in sfarsit cineva il nimereste fix in picior - Paris - si ce daca?!!?!?!?!.. e doar un picior... si mai e s
melodia zilei
massive attack nu are nevoie de nici o prezentare sau comentariu (:)) se asculta si se simte)
sâmbătă, 27 iunie 2009
spam... si tembelii din spatele lui
un exemplu de cum functioneaza spam-ul :
--- On Fri, 6/26/09, cristina stefan <cristinastefan86@yahoo.com> wrote:
From: cristina stefan
Subject: Fw: Fwd: Fw: Fw: FENG SHUIj
To: andreeaa_mihaela@yahoo.com, ariadna1600@yahoo.com, z_dorin18@yahoo.com, pirategirl_1806@yahoo.com, witchy_di@yahoo.co.in, florinonix@yahoo.com, kopteen@yahoo.com, onitza_p@yahoo.com, "Vick Vick" <bumblebee907@yahoo.com>
Date: Friday, June 26, 2009, 7:08 PM
--- On Fri, 6/26/09, teodora bretan <teoo17ro@yahoo.com> wrote:
From: teodora bretan
Subject: Fw: Fwd: Fw: Fw: FENG SHUIj
To: witchy_di@yahoo.co.in, "Denisa Ciochir", "Cristina Garbacea" < chrisg23@yahoo.com>, "CRristina Stefan" , "Madalina Florean" < madalinne2003@yahoo.com>, "madalina nodea" <madalina_nodea@yahoo.com>, "Vlad Luchita" <vlad3xx@yahoo.com>, "Diana Apostu" <sweet15bv@yahoo.com>, "Alina Boncu" <b_alinutza_2003@yahoo.com>, "Andreea Martiniuc"
Date: Friday, June 26, 2009, 12:02 PM
N.B. Sunt de acord cu spam-ul dpdv publicitar dar fazele astea cu 'trimite msg la 15 prieteni', ma irita pentru ca, asa cum vezi mai sus, in toata lista ta de prieteni exista cu siguranta un tembel care crede in cacat si pe deasupra i se mai pare si amuzant. Si daca stau si ma gandesc mai bine, nu ma irita ci ma sperie gandul ca varstele (ca la unii iti dai seama din id) sunt destul de maricele... adica peste 15-16 ani. Si imi aduc aminte de jocuri piramidale si catre cine sunt inclinate. Si ma gandesc la "Idiocracy", si realizez, treptat ca acel film devine incet (dar sigur) realitatea de zi cu zi.
In acelasi timp ma gandesc la ironia mesajului... feng shui mintal care vine de la o persoana dintr-o lista de 10 care vine la randui... in fine
stiu ca ar trebui sa nu scriu de asa ceva si ca oricum scriu degeaba dar totusi, poate unii din listele de mai sus o sa-si caute intr-o zi pe google id-ul - si stiu sigur ca o sa-l caute pentru ca la cata-i mintea atat-i si netu - si o sa se regaseasca poate pe aceasta pagina.
P.S. mai sunt o categorie aparte, care trimit msg cu ce au "gasit" pe net. you're ok as long as ur sending it twice a week. sending it twice a day ur fucked up
--- On Fri, 6/26/09, cristina stefan <cristinastefan86@yahoo.com> wrote:
From: cristina stefan
Subject: Fw: Fwd: Fw: Fw: FENG SHUIj
To: andreeaa_mihaela@yahoo.com, ariadna1600@yahoo.com, z_dorin18@yahoo.com, pirategirl_1806@yahoo.com, witchy_di@yahoo.co.in, florinonix@yahoo.com, kopteen@yahoo.com, onitza_p@yahoo.com, "Vick Vick" <bumblebee907@yahoo.com>
Date: Friday, June 26, 2009, 7:08 PM
--- On Fri, 6/26/09, teodora bretan <teoo17ro@yahoo.com> wrote:
From: teodora bretan
Subject: Fw: Fwd: Fw: Fw: FENG SHUIj
To: witchy_di@yahoo.co.in, "Denisa Ciochir"
Date: Friday, June 26, 2009, 12:02 PM
----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Carmen Bretan <carmenvbretan@gmail.com>
To: Carmen Bacanu <maramiruna2005@yahoo.com>; Adriana Catincescu <almasav@yahoo.co.uk>; popescu.maria2007@yahoo.com; deliasaftu@yahoo.com; dpoliana@yahoo.com; teoo17ro@yahoo.com; ligiabuzac_ro@yahoo.com
Sent: Thursday, June 25, 2009 4:35:45 AM
Subject: Fwd: Fw: Fw: FENG SHUIj
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Alexandru Daniela <danaalex1962@yahoo.com>
Date: 25.06.2009 12:27
Subject: Fw: Fw: FENG SHUIj
To: aczel agneta <aczel_agi@yahoo.com>, bretan carmen <carmenvbretan@gmail.com>, cimpoia carmen <trauben_impex@yahoo.com>, florescu dana <dnflorescu@yahoo.com>, doina <petrutdoina@yahoo.com>, anghel maria <mary_victoria_25@yahoo.com>, fulga mariana <marifulga@yahoo.com>, dobre marinela <marinela_d2006@yahoo.com>, COTA OLIMPIA <cota_olimpia@yahoo.com>, belea rodica-didi <auerodi@yahoo.com>, muscheru maria <maria.muscheru@yahoo.com>, vari mariana <maria_vari@yahoo.com>, SABAU MELINDA <m_sabau@yahoo.com>, gotca daniela <dana.gotca@yahoo.com>, negrea adriana <negrea_adriana1959@yahoo.com>, robu cristina <todagiu@yahoo.com>, elena <delir_cami@yahoo.com>, pintea ioana <ioannna_bv@yahoo.com>, negut loana <louanna@clicknet.ro>
From: Carmen Bretan <carmenvbretan@gmail.com>
To: Carmen Bacanu <maramiruna2005@yahoo.com>; Adriana Catincescu <almasav@yahoo.co.uk>; popescu.maria2007@yahoo.com; deliasaftu@yahoo.com; dpoliana@yahoo.com; teoo17ro@yahoo.com; ligiabuzac_ro@yahoo.com
Sent: Thursday, June 25, 2009 4:35:45 AM
Subject: Fwd: Fw: Fw: FENG SHUIj
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Alexandru Daniela <danaalex1962@yahoo.com>
Date: 25.06.2009 12:27
Subject: Fw: Fw: FENG SHUIj
To: aczel agneta <aczel_agi@yahoo.com>, bretan carmen <carmenvbretan@gmail.com>, cimpoia carmen <trauben_impex@yahoo.com>, florescu dana <dnflorescu@yahoo.com>, doina <petrutdoina@yahoo.com>, anghel maria <mary_victoria_25@yahoo.com>, fulga mariana <marifulga@yahoo.com>, dobre marinela <marinela_d2006@yahoo.com>, COTA OLIMPIA <cota_olimpia@yahoo.com>, belea rodica-didi <auerodi@yahoo.com>, muscheru maria <maria.muscheru@yahoo.com>, vari mariana <maria_vari@yahoo.com>, SABAU MELINDA <m_sabau@yahoo.com>, gotca daniela <dana.gotca@yahoo.com>, negrea adriana <negrea_adriana1959@yahoo.com>, robu cristina <todagiu@yahoo.com>, elena <delir_cami@yahoo.com>, pintea ioana <ioannna_bv@yahoo.com>, negut loana <louanna@clicknet.ro>
--- On Thu, 6/25/09, Rasnovean Mirela <allerim7128@yahoo.com> wrote:
In acelasi timp ma gandesc la ironia mesajului... feng shui mintal care vine de la o persoana dintr-o lista de 10 care vine la randui... in fine
stiu ca ar trebui sa nu scriu de asa ceva si ca oricum scriu degeaba dar totusi, poate unii din listele de mai sus o sa-si caute intr-o zi pe google id-ul - si stiu sigur ca o sa-l caute pentru ca la cata-i mintea atat-i si netu - si o sa se regaseasca poate pe aceasta pagina.
P.S. mai sunt o categorie aparte, care trimit msg cu ce au "gasit" pe net. you're ok as long as ur sending it twice a week. sending it twice a day ur fucked up
joi, 18 iunie 2009
miercuri, 17 iunie 2009
duminică, 14 iunie 2009
melodia zilei
pentru ca o sa citesti chestia asta.... (poate??!!)... luni
ca sa incepi munca mai usor
refrenu' e ceva de genu' : "Let's take it on outa here now. Let's go!! "
P.S. : (wiki zice) In February, 1964, an outraged parent wrote to Robert Kennedy, then the attorney general of the United States alleging that the lyrics of "Louie Louie" were obscene. The Federal Bureau of Investigation investigated the complaint. In June, 1965, the FBI laboratory obtained a copy of the recording and, after two years of investigation, concluded that the recording could not be interpreted, that it was "unintelligible at any speed," and therefore the Bureau could not find that the recording was obscene. In September, 1965, an FBI agent interviewed one member of the Kingsmen. He denied that there was any obscenity in the song.
ca sa incepi munca mai usor
refrenu' e ceva de genu' : "Let's take it on outa here now. Let's go!! "
P.S. : (wiki zice) In February, 1964, an outraged parent wrote to Robert Kennedy, then the attorney general of the United States alleging that the lyrics of "Louie Louie" were obscene. The Federal Bureau of Investigation investigated the complaint. In June, 1965, the FBI laboratory obtained a copy of the recording and, after two years of investigation, concluded that the recording could not be interpreted, that it was "unintelligible at any speed," and therefore the Bureau could not find that the recording was obscene. In September, 1965, an FBI agent interviewed one member of the Kingsmen. He denied that there was any obscenity in the song.
... exista un moment in viata fiecarui om, in care uita de unde a plecat. Poate ca am uitat si eu. Dar aproape intotdeauna trecutul revine... se intoarce si iti arata ce ai fost. Timpul trece repede. Timpul este o coordonata constanta a vietii noastre si are un curs ireversibil. Raportarea la trecut este inevitabila. Si aici vine adevarul din titlul meu. Cand eram mic ma uitam la...

Power Rangers!!! ce tare frate!!! The Most Monsters! The Scariest Battles! The Biggest, "Baddest" Finale of Them All! Queen Bansheera is out to destroy the Power Rangers, but when her henchmen, Diabolico, joins forces with the good guys, she really goes berserk and sets out to blast the whole city away. She turns her generals into giant monsters and vows to release all of the demons of the world at the next eclipse. Soon all will be dark. Evil will win. Can the Power Rangers find a way out of the damaged Aquabase and, finally, triumph?
iar daca tot suntem la capitolul confesiuni vreau sa reamintesc si..
Power Rangers!!! ce tare frate!!! The Most Monsters! The Scariest Battles! The Biggest, "Baddest" Finale of Them All! Queen Bansheera is out to destroy the Power Rangers, but when her henchmen, Diabolico, joins forces with the good guys, she really goes berserk and sets out to blast the whole city away. She turns her generals into giant monsters and vows to release all of the demons of the world at the next eclipse. Soon all will be dark. Evil will win. Can the Power Rangers find a way out of the damaged Aquabase and, finally, triumph?
iar daca tot suntem la capitolul confesiuni vreau sa reamintesc si..
miercuri, 10 iunie 2009
melodia zilei... cand trec pe chill
mai exact "downtempo electro"... Urban Myth Club sunt Dezz, Cuckooland, Stephen Barton, Andy Dragzis si Shanonn Harris. Melodia de mai jos e un single din 2005 iar un an mai tarziu s-a lansat si albumul Helium
Urban Myth Club - I Feel It
Urban Myth Club - I Feel It
marți, 9 iunie 2009
cred ca pot...
...sa ajung la vreo 5 galerii. Yeeeee... noaptea galeriilor!!!... inca o ocazie perfecta sa mai freci bucurestiul in lung si-n lat. de abia astept. poate ne vedem :))... yeah!.. sure!
pentru mai multe informatii click... tocmai....
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